Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Glad To Be In Florida!

We were excited to finally be in Florida and we couldn't ask for better weather. It was in the 80's every day! Tait's family on his dad's side spend Thanksgiving every year in Florida so this was the first time a lot of them have seen Jack. This was also the first time Grandpa CJ and Lena (Jackie) have seen him since he was born. Boy has he changed a lot!

We enjoyed spending time with family and friends and just relaxing! It was fun to take Jack in his stroller to breakfast, walks and the beach. His schedule was a little off and he seemed to be so tired and went to bed early. I think he slept or was sleepy during dinner every night! And we ate early! He woke up at 7 and would take cat naps during the day. We weren't looking forward to coming home to cold weather but I was ready to get back on schedule!

Jack's First Airplane Ride!

We left for Florida the Sunday before Thanksgiving to spend the holiday with Tait's dad and family. This was Jack's first airplane ride and I of course was nervous and didn't know what to expect. I was mainly worried about his ears popping and it making him uncomfortable. I had planned to nurse him while taking off (heard that helped with the ears) but didn't and he did great! He was perfect in the airport and in the plane on the way there and back. He just sat on our laps and hung out!

My Buddies!

I was so excited to spend a day with my best buddies Reese and Braylan. The moms of course wanted pictures so they sat us on the couch for a mini photo session. It started off really good then my buddies took advantage of me being in the middle! Little did I know that Braylan would be interested in my nose and mouth and Reese thinking I would be a nice cushion. I didn't mind at all-it was nice to be gnawing on someone else's finger than my own and Reese can lay on me anytime! I love hanging out with them!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rainy Monday

What to do on a rainy day? Take a bath and hang out in your robe! We didn't leave the house and just hung out. I was able to clean and do laundry. It was much needed! Catching up on General Hospital was pretty nice too!

Go Vols! Finally a Win!!!!

I got all decked out in UT gear and the Vols won! It must have been my orange and white leggings that brought them good luck!

Mommy took me to see Uncle Borin at Sports Seasons and I got to look at tennis shoes! I can't fit in any yet but will be able to soon! I saw some Nike's I really liked - hopefully mommy remembers!

Fun Friday!

We had such a fun time with Kelli and Reese Friday! We ate lunch at the Creamery then took a walk in the park. I was able to sneak Jack in Reese's stroller while we took a break! In other words a great photo opp! Ha ha! It was such a beautiful day and I look forward to more play dates with Kelli and Reese!

After our play date we went to Aunt Te's to wish her a Happy Birthday. Of course Jack got to play with his cousins too.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Lazy Sunday

We had such a lazy Sunday napping and hanging out. I hadn't been feeling well all weekend so Jack and I took the longest nap and I felt much better! Usually Jack takes his naps in his swing or on me but this time he laid beside me on the couch as we both slept. I love cuddling with my little man!!!!

On a different note, I am happy to report that Jack has rolled over - yay!!!! He did it for the first time last Wednesday and again on Sunday. He was in his play place on his tummy then rolled over on his back. I thought the definition of a "roll over" meant a complete roll over from back to stomach then on back so I didn't think much of it. Now that I know, I am so excited and let him know that what he did was great! Now we need to work on him rolling over from his back to stomach!

Saturday night as I put him in his crib I laid him on his side as usual but he rolled over on his stomach with his bottom up in the air and was pretty content. He has done this before (minus his bottom up in the air) but like before I was nervous and put him back on his side. When I went to get him the next morning he was back on his stomach with his bottom up in the air. It was really cute! He slept for a very long time that night so if he chooses to sleep on his belly on his own I am fine with that!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Three Months Already?!

He loves Tummy Time!

He loves to move his arms and legs!

He really tries to mimic my silly faces! Too funny!

This is his look when something startles him or he hears loud noises.

Wow! Jack turned three months old Sunday - we can't believe it! Where has the time gone? It literally has flown by. He has given us so much happiness and brought us more joy than we could hope for. He makes us laugh everyday and has such a great personality! The faces and noises he makes are hilarious and his smile melts our hearts. He is still cooing like crazy, making all sorts of different sounds and continues to try to copy our words and facial expressions. He still loves tummy time and his play place and can now reach and kick his hanging toys in there. He can roll over on his side but still can't fully roll over. We will work on that! He loves his swing and sitting in his bumbo seat. He started sleeping in his crib a couple weeks ago and is doing great! He is still sleeping 4-5 hrs which I wish would be longer but I'll take it. He eats really good and poops even better! I will say he has a very good digestive system! He loves getting out and seeing new places and faces and in his short life, we've done a lot! The other day Tait called and I put the phone up to his ear and he listened and laughed as Tait talked to him. I loved it! We tried that when he was a month old and got nothing so we thought it was pretty neat! We look forward to him getting older but love every minute with him right now.

Halloween Over? Boo-oo!

I can't believe my first Halloween is over! I had the best time being a pirate, skunk and skeleton! With all the outfits mommy put me in and fun places we went to, I thought Halloween was going to last forever! I wish I could dress up everyday!

Happy Halloween!!!

We had a wonderful day and Halloween with Jack. We went to church then out to eat at the Creamery and he was extremely good. Tait and I were so happy. He normally is good but to sit through Sunday School, service and lunch we were a little surprised! He was so content and so happy! What a great start to Halloween night! We went to my sister's house for pre-Halloween festivities before trick or treating in her neighborhood. Jack was a skeleton - a perfect costume for the weather. It wasn't too cold or too hot! It was fun to see Jack dressed up with all of his cousins and go door to door with them. It was a great First Halloween and we look forward to next year!

Me and mommy have matching leggings!

Jack fell asleep while trick or treating but still managed to get a lot of candy! Here's a picture of him when he woke up. I must admit I'm pretty excited to dig in his treat bag!

I love my Halloween night gown! I had so much fun today and going to sleep so good tonight!