Monday, January 10, 2011

Play Date With The Girls!

We went over to Brooke's Friday for a playdate with Leighton, Heather and Braylan. Reese was sick so it was Jack and the girls. It has been a couple of months since we've seen Leighton and she has changed so much! It hasn't been that long since we've seen Braylan and she's changed too! What cute little girls! Leighton wasn't sure if she wanted Braylan to play with her toys and Braylan is a fire cracker-very playful and mischievous. She was so interested in Jack's face she managed to scratch it not once but twice! Jack hardly cries but he did this time! It's a good thing she is so cute and lovable!

Leighton's cousins came over and we finally got to meet Colt who is a couple weeks older than Jack. He is so cute and big! Jack enjoyed another boy being there and being entertained by Colt's sister Camryn, who by the way was really good with him and she is only five years old!

Although Jack is not quite big enough to play with the girls he is getting bigger and beginning to play with bigger toys. He did great sitting up and much more interactive on this playdate. We look forward to many more!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Daddy's Protege

Every good superhero eventually has to step down for the younger model.....don't get me wrong, it's not happening yet, but we have already started the process. Apparently Jack's aunts and uncles thought the same thing. Thanks everyone for all of Jack's great bat apparel, when the time comes for dad to hang up the spandex and latex we know Jack will be well prepared to carry the torch.......see you next post, same Jack time, same Jack channel (Batty Daddy)

Sitting Up During Playtime!

I woke up this morning with a goal in mind. I was going to work with Jack on sitting up. I knew it would be a work in process but little did I know he had it on his mind too-he just sat up on his own! First it was for five seconds then ten then long enough for me to snap some pictures! I was such a PROUD and SURPRISED mommy! He did it for Tait when he got home. I made it seemed like I worked hard with him all day. Just kidding! I would like to take credit but he did this all on his own! I will though continue to work with him until he is able to sit up for a very long time. He has a lot of toys to play with and it will be a lot easier sitting up! He loves his jumperoo and is so curious about everything! He also loves the mirror. He gets that from his daddy.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas In Indiana

Grandma KarKar and her grandbabies (well besides Jenna who wasn't interested in pictures)

Mom, Doug and us

Grandma and Jack

Big Cousin JoJo

Me and Mommy after all the festivities

The Roach Family

Posing with Grandma

Enough of the pictures bring me more presents, and get me out of the skinny jeans

Introducing Dane Joseph, can't wait to play with this guy

Grandma Nola's Jewelry, she will always be missed especially at Christmas

We had such a great Christmas with daddy's family in Indiana. New Years Day at Grandma Karla and Doug's house, we got to celebrate Christmas again! I can get used to all these celebrations for Jesus. I got to see all my cousins and even meet my newest cousin Dane. I also got to meet my uncle Josh and his fiance Stephanie who held me while we did presents, thanks. Although my dad was sad to spend his first Christmas without his Grandma Nola, my grandma made him feel better by cooking Nola's famous Christmas caserole to go along with her traditional seafood chowder that he loves. I also got to see daddy's grandpa Spike too, he is funny and he doesn't have any teeth just like me, but daddy said he will get his new teeth put in before mine grow in, we'll see about that. After we all ate way too much we got to the good stuff, presents! I got all kinds of new clothes and toys, it was awesome, thanks everyone! At the end of the night when all my aunts and uncles went home I got to spend some quality time with my grandma KarKar. She watched me while mom and dad went to eat with aunt Dana and uncle Jacob. I don't remember ever being left with anyone that long, mom says it happened once but I was too young to remember. What a great day and a great weekend, thanks to everyone!

Happy New Year!

We were so excited to be ringing in the New Year with Ritchie and Christie and even more excited that Jack woke up just in time to celebrate with us! This was really the best New Year's ever. We were blessed in 2010 with the arrival of Jack and looking forward to having a wonderful 2011 with him. We can't wait to see what God has instore for us this coming year. We are so thankful!!!!

Christmas With Ritchie and Christie

We left for Indy last Friday to do our Christmas with Tait's family and to spend New Year's with Ritchie and Christie. We had such a good time catching up, eating and playing Catch Phrase! Jack had a great time too opening presents from them. Thank you guys for his batman onesie and sports center! We are starting him early with basketball and football!

Jack also turned 5 months old New Year's Eve and is growing into such a good and fun little boy. The last time we drove to Indy was in October and what a difference a couple of months makes traveling with him. He did great! He slept and when he was awake he played with his toys and occupied himself. He continues to amaze us with his smile, laugh, sounds and alertness. He is eating solids really well but some feedings are challenging because he likes to grab the spoon and chew on it and likes to blow bubbles with food in his mouth. Needless to say he is a mess when we are done! He is teething so he slobbers and drools on everything. He grabs at everything and puts everything in his mouth. He has such a good grip! He is doing better with his sleep that I've dropped a middle of the night feeding. We are really enjoying this time with him!

Hanging Out With Reese

I went over to Reese's house today to watch the Volunteers lose in the Music City Bowl. What a game it was-we really thought we had won! Our outfits didn't bring good luck after all. I'm so glad we got to hang out before I went to Indiana.

Merry Christmas!

We had a wonderful Christmas and it being Jack's first made it much more special this year. I didn't take any pictures at my parents but my brother-in-law did so rest assured we captured him opening presents. He got lots of goodies from toys to clothes. He is pretty stocked for awhile! We did take pictures of him Christmas morning trying out his new jumperoo that he got. Boy did he love it! He has been jumping up and down for awhile so he was pretty happy to have his new toy! He did try to eat it though.

We also took pictures of him Christmas Eve. I've always loved Christmas Eve. Every year we go to church then to my sister's in laws for a fabulous dinner and to exchange gifts. We are so thankful for them and this tradition.