Monday, October 18, 2010

Hoosier Baby?

We took another trip to Indiana this past weekend. We went up for Aunt Rachel's baby shower and down to Bloomington for IU's homecoming game. This was Jack's first tailgate and first time meeting daddy's friends. Jack was all decked out in Hoosier gear complete with cream and crimson leggings! We got there at 8:30 in the morning and left around 3 in the afternoon! Jack was such a trooper! He seemed to be having fun - watching his daddy and friends play cornhole and being held by Christie. Thanks Christie! He took small cat naps throughout the day instead of his usual long nap. Guess he didn't want to miss out on anything! We had such a great time and was so glad we were able to catch up with friends and have Jack be a part of it.

After tailgating we went to Tait's cousin Blake's house for a fish fry. It was Jack's first time meeting a lot of his daddy's family. Then on Sunday we had a shower for his soon-to-be cousin Dane who will make his arrival in December. Jack got to see all of his cousins in Indy before heading back home. Another fun filled weekend!


  1. Navy, Jack is SO HANDSOME!! These pictures are adorable!! Jack, we miss you so much and you are such a cutie!! Love the Hoosiers outfit!! ADORABLE!!
    Heather and Braylan

  2. I must admit Jack is awfully cute as a little Hoosier! Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow - Reese needs a play date - he is so hyper - ha ha!
