Monday, October 4, 2010

Who You Calling Chubby???

Over the weekend I had two people comment on how big Jack was. Really??? I haven't gotten that yet and when I look at him I think he's normal or even on the small side. A lady at the mall asked me how old he was and when I told her she said, "He's big for a nine week old!" Then at Target a girl who works there who I've seen throughout my pregnancy asked if I had Jack with me. I told her he was at home with his daddy and she asked to see a picture. I showed her a picture of him on my phone and she said, "He's a chubby one!" What? Really??? He wasn't even big in the picture! Wonder what she would think if she saw the pic I posted! Ha ha! Jack was supposed to have a doctor appt today but was rescheduled because his doctor called in sick. I can't wait to see how much he weighs! I will definitely update!

On a different note, I was able to run a couple of errands Saturday without the little man and it felt weird. Don't get me wrong it was really nice but weird not to have him with me. I had pumped so I left him with Tait and I went to Target and Kroger. It was the first time I had been to Kroger since Jack's been born. I do not miss grocery shopping! I did like the feeling of being able to run errands and not be on a time constraint. I took my time browsing and going down every aisle!


  1. Jack you are a cute little thing!! Who doesn't love a chubby baby and we all know from what your momma eats you are getting some rich breast milk!! Had fun walking with you today - see you soon! Kelli

  2. I know all too well about "taking your time" on your is a free feeling when the baby is at home...and you get to be the one he gets excited to see for a change (not just Daddy)!! Chubby? I wouldnt say chubby, I would say he is way adorable and does look older than 9 weeks...he is perfect!!!
