Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt, Birthday Party and Fun in the Sun!

Look at all the Easter Eggs Reese!  We found them......Now what?

Me and my pool buddies!

I see my Puffs....

Almost there.....

Got it!   I love my Puffs!  Sweet Potato are my favorite kind!

I love my daddy!

We had my nephew Brandon's birthday party the day before Easter and it was jam packed with fun.  We had an Easter egg hunt, the kids played in the pool and Jack played until he passed out.  I loved watching him play with the eggs wondering what the heck the big deal is but one day he'll realize the good stuff that is inside of them.  I also introduced him to puffs awhile ago and he is addicted!  He loves them!  He would eat a whole can if we let him. 

It was great to be able to spend time with family and friends and we had a blast!  I love days like this!  

1 comment:

  1. Jack...I believe your mommy does let you have a whole can of puffs when your daddy isn't around! Thanks for giving me a few the other day at lunch! Love, Reese! P.S....I like your pink onesie...ha!!
